Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS)


:: Application for Residential Hall Membership 2025 - 2026 ::

  1. Please read the hall application information and instruction webpage carefully before completing this application form:
  2. Recommend using a desktop computer to fill this form.
  3. This application applies only to all undergraduate halls for undergraduates, NOT for postgraduate halls.
  4. This application is valid only for hall residence in Year 2025 - 2026.
  5. This form should be used by the following groups of students only:
    • newly admitted exchange/visiting students (undergraduates, including LLB students), OR
    • newly admitted non-local full degree* undergraduate students (full-time students only)
  6. To Exchange/Visiting Students only:
    • When you have received your Notice of Admission from your Faculty in this University, please send a copy to CEDARS by email to <cedars.housing@hku.hk>. You will NOT be offered a place if CEDARS has not received the copy of your Notice of Admission.
  7. To Full Degree Students:
    • You will NOT be offered a place if you are having conditional admission offer only.
  8. Please submit one application only. If you would like to update the information submitted, please write to cedars.housing@hku.hk.

*Remarks: Remarks: If you are considered as a local full degree student, you should apply for hall place via another system. For details, please refer to the website of Academic Support and Examinations Section of the Registry.

Section A - Personal Particulars

(FAMILY NAME in BLOCK LETTER first. Full name as on passport)
Name in Chinese :
University number
(Please provide your 10-digit HKU student number, 10-digit HKU application number or 10-digit exchange application number or 10-digit reference code if you have. Please skip this field if you do not have such number now.)
: Male   Female
: Others, Please specify:
Passport No. :
Passport issuing authority :
Date of issue (YYYY-MM-DD) :
Others, please specify :
: Others, Please specify:
: Others, Please specify:
Proposed date of arrival in Hong Kong (YYYY-MM-DD) :
Duration of proposed stay in hall :

CEDARS will send you auto-acknowledgment and notifications to this email address only. Please make sure you will check this email account regularly and emails from us cedars.housing@hku.hk will not be blocked.

Email 2 (Optional) :
Correspondence address (if different from home address) :
Tel. No :
Fax No. :
Section B - Other information

Attendance at tertiary educational institutions (if any)

Name of Institution
Period of Attendance
Part-time / Full-time
Degrees & Diplomas Awarded
Part-time Full-time
Part-time Full-time
Part-time Full-time

Working experience (if any)

Name of Employer
Period of Employment
Part-time / Full-time
Position Held
Part-time Full-time
Part-time Full-time
If you have been awarded, or have applied for a scholarship, bursary, or postgraduate studentship in 2024-25, please specify name and value of the awards(s)
Special dietary requirement, please specify (SDR)
If you have any medical conditions that warrant special consideration, please specify: (MC)
Additional information (including any special needs that may affect your choice of hall): (AI)


The University of Hong Kong is promoting integration and cultural exchanges among hallmates by adopting a new policy. The aim is to enhance the student experience and create a more inclusive community. The General Offices of the Residential Halls will assign roommates for new residents in double or triple rooms, pairing local and non-local students whenever possible. We will try our best to provide a roommate match that meets your preferences, please let us know some of your habits and hobbies.

Sleep schedule: Please select the sleep preference that best describes you. (Choose 1 only)

Social schedule: Please select the social life that best describes you. (Choose 1 only)

What are your hobbies and interests? (Maximum three most practised hobbies)

* Please note that:

  • Due to shortage of places, you may not be accommodated to the site you have chosen.
  • The University has confirmed the adoption of a new policy aimed at promoting integration and cultural exchanges among hallmates. The goal is to enhance the overall student experience and create a more inclusive community. Beginning in the academic year 2023-24, the General Offices of the Residential Halls will assign roommates for newly admitted residents in double or triple rooms, pairing local and non-local students whenever possible. Please note that this policy applies to both new and returning students who have previously lived in another hall.
  • St. John's College, Ricci Hall and University Hall have compulsory meal charges.

For details, please visit https://cedars.hku.hk.

I wish to apply for residential membership of a hall in residential year 2025 - 2026 and declare that the information provided in this form is accurate and complete.

Important note: If you have successfully submitted your online application, you will receive an automatic acknowledgement by email individually. If you do not receive the acknowledgement, please write to <cedars.housing@hku.hk>